Program Review Data Sources
This collection of reports and visualizations are for use in program review. They are built from a snapshot of internal data, and are only updated at milestone dates throughout the academic year. For same day or live data reports, please refer to Crystal Reports website (Internal Only). Results here may differ from state scorecard or Datamart records, due to different inclusion and definitions. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Research and Planning, 209-575-6220.
- Success RatesStudent enrollment, and success rates by division, and ethnicity, trended overtime. Based on internal Crystal Report data on a student by student level.
- Program Awards
Academic conferrals by Division, Department, and Ethnicity. Select program areas or ethnicities to focus results. - Instructional Learning Outcomes
From eLumens Course Assessment Data, disaggregated by ethnicity. This is manually updated by IR, and will not reflect recent data activity -
Department Faculty and Sections
Faculty names, and number of sections taught by position types. Primarily based on Instructional Cost Analysis report from Crystal Reports (rpt 697) - Program ProductivityFTES, FTEF, and WSCH Rates trended by department for efficiency and enrollment changes. Primarily based on Instructional Cost Analysis report from Crystal Reports (rpt 697)
- Course AttributesTime and location of course offerings, trended for consideration of student accessibility.
External Data Sources
The links below are resources for additional insight from environmental scans, labor market data, governmental and system data.
CTE LaunchBoard
Statewide data system supported by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s
Office and hosted by Cal-PASS Plus, provides data to California community colleges
and their feeder K-12 school districts on the effectiveness of CTE programs. This
information is intended to facilitate local, regional and statewide conversations
about how to improve student transitions from K-12 to college and on to the workforce.
Below are descriptions, tools, and tutorial resources to get started on LaunchBoard.
DataMart and Scorecard
The data available in the Scorecard tells how colleges are doing in remedial instruction,
job training programs, retention of students and graduation and completion rates.
With data reported by gender, age and ethnicity, colleges, students and the public
can also better determine if colleges are narrowing achievement gaps, which is vitally
important for our students and our state's economy.