Roles and Responsibilities of Participatory Governance
The purpose of this document is to describe the structure for making decisions at Modesto Junior College. The document outlines the processes and mechanisms through which the voices of the college‘s constituent groups are heard in decision making. Representatives of all campus constituencies worked in good faith to develop these guidelines.
Schedule of Standing Meetings
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Week 1 |
Institutional Effectiveness & Accreditation Committee |
Classified Senate 2:30-3:30 |
Academic Senate 3:45-5:30 |
Resource Allocation & Facilities Committee
10:00 - 12:00 12:30 - 1:30 |
Week 2 | College Council 3:00-5:00 |
Curriculum Committee 2:40 - 5:00 |
Student Equity Committee
10:00-12:00 Faculty Professional Development Committee12:30 - 1:30 |
Week 3 | Online Education Committee 3:00-5:00 |
Technology Committee 3:00 - 5:00 |
Academic Senate 3:45-5:30 |
Resource Allocation & Facilities Committee
10:00 - 12:00 |
Week 4 | College Council 3:00-5:00 |
Curriculum Committee 2:40 - 5:00 |
Student Equity Committee
10:00 - 12:00 |
Empowering students to discover opportunities and reach their goals through access to and inclusion in higher education.
As investors in our society, Modesto Junior College will create and promote equity in education for every member of our diverse community.
At MJC, we value integrity, responsibility, professionalism, compassion, and empathy to achieve:
We value an inclusive approach to education through technology, programs, and open resources that lead to opportunities.
We value making higher education available to all by actively seeking resources to support students.
Building Community
We value and respect the diverse collective of individuals who shape our programs and services, participate in decision-making, reinforce collaborative relationships, and promote civic engagement.
Transformation & Innovation
We value willingness to accept growth and embrace change to continuously improve our processes, curriculum, and services to be relevant to the needs of our students and community.
Stewardship of Resources
We value the investment our community has entrusted in us to further the college mission and enhance lives through state-of-the-art education.
MJC les da poder a los estudiantes para descubrir oportunidades y alcanzar sus metas mediante el acceso y la inclusión a la educación superior.
Como inversionistas de nuestra sociedad, MJC creará y promoverá una educación equitativa para todos los miembros de nuestra diversa comunidad.
En Modesto Junior College valoramos la integridad, la responsabilidad, el profesionalismo, la comprensión y la empatía para el logro:
Valoramos un enfoque inclusivo a la educación a través de la tecnología, de los programas y de los recursos abiertos que conducen a las oportunidades.
Accesibilidad Económica
Valoramos hacer la educación superior accesible para todos mediante la búsqueda de recursos para apoyar a los estudiantes.
Valoramos y respetamos el diverso grupo de personas que forman partte de nuestros programas y servicios, participan en la toma de decisiones, fortalecen las relaciones de colaboración y promueven la participación cívica.
Transformación e innovación
Valoramos la disposición de aceptar el crecimiento y de adoptar cambios para mejorar continuamente nuestros procesos, currículo, y servicios de manera que sean relevantes para las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y de nuestra comunidad.
Administración de recursos
Valoramos la inversión que nuestra comunidad nos ha confiado para promover la misión de la institución y mejorar vidas a través de una educación de última generación.