LVN 30 Unit Option
MJC does not have an LVN program but rather a pathway for LVNs to continue their education to
obtain an Associate of Science degree in nursing and be eligible to take the NCLEX-RN.
The LVN 30 Unit Option prepares students to take the NCLEX-RN examination, but does not award an Associate of Science (AS) degree. Students considering this option should contact Allied Health for information and advising.
See links below on this page for more information.
On this page:
- Pathway Description
- Nursing Philosophy
- Career Opportunities
- Pathway Eligibility and Preparation
- Academic Advising
- LVN 30 Unit Option Application
- Selection Process
- Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
- Additional Requirements for Accepted Applicants Only
- LVN 30 Unit Option Curriculum
- Scholastic Requirements
- Accommodations and Support Center
- Policy for Denial of Licensure
- Veterans
- Accuracy/Changes Statement
Links to additional information:
- LVN 30 Unit Option Application
- Program Costs 12032018 kwb
- Veterans Policy 110316
Pathway Description
The Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) 30 Unit Option is a certificate upgrade program designed to prepare students to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN), leading to licensure as a Registered Nurse. Students completing this program are not considered graduates of the Associate of Science Degree Nursing (ADN) Program. A Certificate of Completion will be issued after the LVN 30 Unit Option requirements have been met.
Students are able to apply for the LVN 30 Unit Option in the fall and spring semesters of each year. It is a two-semester program. Although most classes are scheduled during the day, clinical experiences may include both morning and evening hours and weekends. In the last semester of the program there is a five-week preceptorship. During that time, students are expected to be in the clinical setting on a full-time basis. Students must be flexible and prepared to accept these assignments.
Expenses for the 30 Unit Option varies for each individual. See link for, "Program Costs", under LVN 30 unit option for more information. These costs include enrollment and materials fees, background check and drug screen fees, health clearance, Basic Life Support (BLS) certification, uniforms, books, a pre-licensure readiness examination, and a four day live NCLEX review. If you would like information on financial aid, call 575-7700. For academic advising contact Allied Health, 575-6362.
Daily Access to a Computer with Internet
Students enrolled in the LVN 30 Unit Option must be computer literate and have daily access to a computer with Internet. It is strongly recommended that students have Internet access from their place of residence.
Nursing Philosophy
The philosophy of the Associate Degree Nursing Program reflects the faculty’s beliefs about persons, the art and science of nursing, and nursing education. These beliefs are embodied in program terminal objectives and offer a compass for the instruction of nursing. Similarly, the program philosophy is congruent with the Modesto Junior College Mission Statement which acknowledges the uniqueness of individuals and a commitment to excellence in education.
We believe that each person is an individual worthy of respect and caring. Each person possesses a unique combination of attitudes, values, life experience, learning styles, culture, ethnicity, and support systems. Each person is a complex entity with biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. As described in the Roy Adaptation Model, each person is in constant interaction with a dynamic environment. Multiple factors from the environment, both past and present, challenge the person to make adaptive responses. The well-being or survival of the person depends on coping mechanisms which lead to adaptation to an ever-changing environment.
The Art and Science of Nursing:
By its nature and process, we believe that nursing is a profession of both art and science. The art of nursing lies in caring. Caring is defined as a way of being within the context of a therapeutic relationship. It is through caring that the patient is empowered to perform activities that promote health, prevent illness, and maintain or restore an optimal level of wellness across the lifespan. As Madeleine Leininger states, “Caring is the central and unifying domain for the body of knowledge and practice in nursing.”
In the practice and profession of nursing, it is the ethic of care that paramountly distinguishes nursing as holistic, differentiates it from other health professions, and therefore, comprises its essence. Caring is evidenced by respect for persons, sensitive and therapeutic communication, and the nonjudgmental provision of care. These behaviors are extended to patients, their families, and their support systems. Caring is also manifested by respect for self, colleagues, and the profession of nursing. It is in the milieu of respect for persons, the fundamental principle of our profession’s Code of Ethics, that nursing care occurs. Conversely, in its absence, nursing care cannot take place.
The science of nursing lies in the nursing process, the problem-solving approach to nursing care grounded in the scientific method, and in the application of knowledge from an array of related scientific disciplines. Equally important to the science of nursing is its own evolutionary heritage contributing to the body of knowledge comprising nursing theory. We therefore acknowledge the historical roots of the nursing profession and recognize the contributions to the development of nursing theory by pivotal nurse leaders.
Nightingale defined nursing as “the care that puts the patient in the best possible condition for nature to act” and described health as not only being well, but “to be able to use well every power that we have.” Henderson described the process of nursing as “assisting the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or recovery (or to a peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge.”
Based on these ideals, we believe that a major role of nurses, who care for persons at various points along the health-illness continuum, is to promote the person’s well being and to manage or prevent complications of illness. In our conceptual framework, the nurse primarily achieves these goals by facilitating adaptation when there are identified alterations in health and coping along this continuum.
While promotion of health and adaptation is a salient role in nursing, it is the nursing process that provides the methodology for nursing care. Nursing process, implemented with critical thinking and skill and drawing on relevant scientific knowledge, provides the essential framework for organizing and delivering care. When this process is delivered with caring, the union of art and science in nursing is complete.
Nursing Education:
Nursing education may be defined as the acquisition of a unique body of knowledge that is continually expanding and increasing in complexity. This learning includes knowledge of nursing theory and core principles as well as knowledge drawn from the physical, biological, and social sciences. The knowledge of theory is fused with practical applications of learning in a variety of health care settings where patients are experiencing alterations and needs along the health-illness continuum. The evolving nature of nursing mandates that nursing learning transcends the time frame of the educational setting and is, in fact, lifelong.
No less important than the acquisition of knowledge and skills in nursing education is the acceptance and development of values resulting in a professional work ethic. As we believe that respect and caring are essential behaviors in the provision of nursing care, it is important that these and other professional values be taught as well. The socialization of the student of nursing into the profession of nursing, then, is an educational goal of the highest order.
Our beliefs about nursing education also acknowledge the diversity of our student population and the uniqueness of the individual learner. We identify multiple factors in the adult learner, including learning styles, values, attitudes, culture, ethnicity, life experience, and support systems as significant characteristics to be appraised. Assessment of these factors identifies students’ learning needs and goals, as well barriers to their success. We believe that sensitivity and responsiveness to the needs of individual students is a precursor to facilitating the academic success of all students.
While embracing individualism in the academic environment, successful nursing education must also result in measurable and consistent standards of student achievement culminating in competent entry-level practice. We believe this can best be achieved by excellence in education and a collaborative partnership between instructor and student. The instructor serves as learning facilitator, role model, support person, expert teacher, resource person, advisor, and evaluator. The student, as an adult learner, takes responsibility for learning by sustainable commitment to academic expectations, communication of learning needs, and accountability for self-behavior.
Career Opportunities
Part-time or full-time work is available during the days, evenings, or nights. Twelve-hour shifts are an option at many hospitals. Most nurses work in hospitals, clinics, home health care agencies, doctors’ offices, hospices, mental health facilities, drug rehabilitation units, and convalescent hospitals. Some nurses choose to specialize in areas such as Intensive Care or Cardiac Care Units, Emergency Rooms, and Labor and Delivery. Salaries range from $39 - $43 per hour plus benefits.
Pathway Eligibility and Preparation
Admission to Modesto Junior College
High School Graduation or Equivalent (GED or College Degree)
High school graduation is not required for admission into the LVN 30 Unit Option, however, high school graduation or equivalent is required in order to take the NCLEX-RN.
Transcripts on File in the MJC Enrollment Services
All transcripts (high school or equivalent and other colleges) must be submitted with the LVN 30 Unit Option application to Allied Health prior to the application deadline, unless they are already on file in the MJC Enrollment Services, Student Services building 102, (209) 575-6853. We will accept hand-carried transcripts that are in a sealed envelope with a school seal.
Recommended Competencies
The following competencies are recommended for success for the LVN 30 Unit Option:
- English Competency
Eligibility for English 102 or
Completion of English 101 or English 100 with a grade of C or better
- Math Competency
> Eligibility for entrance into any 100-level MATH course through the MJC Math Assessment or
> Score of 3, 4, or 5 on AP Exam: Calculus AB or Calculus BC or Statistics or
> Completion of MATH 89 (intermediate algebra) or higher level MATH course, or an equivalent course from another institution with a grade of C or better.
Recommended Competencies
- Reading Competency
MJC Reading competency of 85+ on the Accuplacer exam or completion of Read 184 with a grade of C or better.
Written and Skills Proficiency Testing
In selected cases, both written and skills proficiency testing may be required. (CCR 1429) Test of knowledge and clinical skills to identify areas where remediation might assist the student, however, test results may not be used to deny the applicant admission to the program.
Priority will be given to applicants who have successfully completed the prerequisites. Microbiology and physiology may be challenged or completed with a grade of C or better. Units
- Microbiology 101 ……………………………………………………………………………... 4
- Physiology 101 ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4
- Nurse 259 - LVN Transition: Role Change Preparation ............................................... 2
The N259 course is required. In order to enroll in this course, students must provide proof of a California LVN license with current IV certification and completion of Microbiology 101 and Physiology 101.
Academic Advising
Students interested in applying for the LVN 30 Unit Option must schedule an advising appointment by calling the Allied Health office 575-6362. If an individual receives licensure as a Registered Nurse in California, as an LVN 30 Unit Option, that status is permanent even if the individual obtains a college degree in nursing at a later date. Also, LVN 30 Unit Option RNs are advised that the Board of Registered Nursing in other states may not allow them to be licensed as an RN.
It would be most beneficial to complete the following four steps prior to scheduling the advising appointment:
- Submit an application to MJC.
- Complete the MJC assessment tests.
- Verify that an official copy of your transcripts are on file in the MJC Enrollment Services.
- Complete Nurse 115: Introduction for Nursing Majors
LVN 30 Unit Option Application
Applications are accepted for the LVN 30 Unit Option once per year. The annual application period is February 1 through February 14. Students are selected from the annual applicant pool for fall and spring semesters of the upcoming academic year.
Applicants for the 30 unit option will be missing some of the required prerequisites for the Advanced Placement Pathway and will be stopped on the online application if data is missing i.e. an anatomy class; therefore, 30 unit option applicants should meet individually with a nursing advisor to assist in completing a paper version of the online application. It is a requirement of the Board of Registered Nursing that MJC provide a 30 unit option pathway; however, MJC does not endorse the pathway as educationally sound for students desiring to become a registered nurse. Only those applicants selected for acceptance into the nursing program will be given instruction on the process for submitting all required documentation.
Selection Process
LVN 30 Unit Option applicants are selected on a space available basis. LVN to ADN Advanced Placement Pathway applicants who have completed all required prerequisites for the ADN Program with grades on transcript and the Test of Essential Academic Skills (see Additional Recommendation below) at time of application will be given priority for admission.
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
All LVN 30 Unit applicants are strongly recommended to take the TEAS which measures skills in the content area domains of Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English and Language Usage. A score of 427 (62%) or higher is recommended for success. This score was imposed by the California Community College Nursing Advisory Council (3CNAC) and is not exclusive to MJC. Each applicant has two opportunities to take the latest version of the TEAS. Points will be awarded for the highest of the first two scores. Applicants who have already taken the latest version of the TEAS at another institution must have official scores sent by ATI to MJC.
Preparation materials are available from Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) at Copies of the TEAS Pre-test Study Manual are available at both MJC libraries and at the Columbia College library. To schedule your TEAS, contact ATI at and schedule your test at Modesto JC. If you have questions regarding the TEAS, you may call Email Araceli Baliel at (209) 575-6362 or email Email Araceli Baliel at
Additional Requirements for Accepted Applicants Only
Accepted applicants will be required successfully complete the Clinical Clearance process.
Clinical Clearance
Health Clearance:
- A medical history and physical examination completed by a physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner within six months prior to program start date. The physical must state that the applicant does not have any health conditions that would create a hazard to self, employees, or patients.
- Documentation of required immunizations.
- A negative PPD skin test must be obtained. If a positive reaction is obtained, or has previously been obtained, a chest x-ray must be taken unless medically contraindicated.
Background Check:
- All students participating in clinical assignments are required by acute care hospitals to complete a criminal background check and be cleared by the clinical facility in order to participate in the clinical experience. (See Policy for Denial of Licensure.)
Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification:
- The ADN Program will offer a Health Care Provider BLS class from the American Heart Association for all accepted applicants.
Drug Screen:
- All students will be required to pass a drug screen.
LVN 30 Unit Option Curriculum
Prerequisites: Units
Microbiology 101 ………………………………………………………………….. 4
Physiology 101 ……………………………………………………………………. 4
Nurse 259 - LVN Transition: Role Change Preparation ............................... 2
Required Nursing Courses:
First Semester
Nurse 274 Nursing Process: Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Nurse 275 Nursing Process: Medical-Surgical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Second Semester
Nurse 278 Nursing Process: Advanced Medical-Surgical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Total Units ..................................................................................................... 30
It is the applicant’s responsibility to supply the California Board of Registered Nursing with evidence that all courses required for the LVN 30 Unit Option have been satisfactorily completed in order to sit for the licensing examination.
Scholastic Requirements
Continuation in the LVN 30 Unit Option is dependent upon completion of all courses with a C grade or better. If a student receives less than a C in any required course, that course must be repeated with a C or better in order to qualify for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN).
Accommodations and Support Center
Students with declared or suspected disabilities are urged to contact MJC’s Accommodations and Support Center prior to entering the nursing program. For more information, please call (209) 575-6225 or visit the Student Services Building, Room 112 on the MJC East Campus. Accommodations and Support Center (ASC)
Policy for Denial of Licensure
The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) protects the public by screening applicants for licensure in order to identify potentially unsafe practitioners. Statutory authority for denial of licensure is set out in the Business and Professions Code. Any student considering a career in nursing who has a criminal record is advised to go to the BRN website at and search Enforcement and then License Discipline and Convictions prior to applying to the ADN Program.
Criminal Record
Pre-Nursing students with a criminal record should attempt to have convictions expunged prior to applying for entrance into the nursing program. A criminal record may prevent students from clinical placement and therefore continuing in a nursing program.
Medics and Corpsman wishing to apply to the MJC ADN program “may” be eligible for advanced placement into second semester. Medics and Corpsman are encouraged to have transcripts reviewed by the Veteran’s Center Coordinator (certifying officer) in the Veterans Resource Center, Room 116, in the Student Services Building located on the East Campus. Please call (209) 575-6017 to schedule an appointment or email Veterans Services for additional information.
After the initial appointment in the Veteran's resource center, schedule a follow up appointment with a nursing advisor, (209) 575-6362. A copy of the Defense Department Form (DD-214) with honorable discharge is required. Advanced placement admission for Medics and Corpsman is on a space-available basis. Transcripts are reviewed on an individual basis. Veterans must meet all program eligibility and preparation requirements prior to completing an online application. Additional testing is required for advanced placement. Please refer to the Veteran's Policy link listed under “links to additional information.”
Accuracy/Changes Statement
The Yosemite Community College District and Modesto Junior College have made every effort to determine that everything stated in this document is accurate. Courses and programs are subject to change without notice by the head administration of the Yosemite Community College District or Modesto Junior College for reasons related to student enrollment, level of financial support, or for any reason at the discretion of the District and the College.