Our Goal:
The Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Division is the go-to destination for science and math education in our community. Our courses and degrees serve four interwoven groups:
- Students majoring in math, science, and engineering with plans to transfer to a university
- Students in other areas completing their general education math and science requirements for transfer
- Students completing their prerequisite coursework in preparation for allied health careers
- Students needing developmental and refresher courses in mathematics
In addition, the Great Valley Museum and the new Planetarium serve as fantastic new learning resources for students of all ages through museum tours and planetarium shows plus classes and fundraising events in the community.
Division Dean:
Dr. Laura Maki makil@yosemite.edu
Administrative Secretary:
Danielle Plass plassd@yosemite.eduEmail all forms to: mjcscienceandmath@yosemite.edu
Great Valley Museum/Planetarium Information:
(209) 575-6196